React JS is a popular Job profile choice for the front end developer in the web development in Guwahati. Learning React needs some intermediate level understanding of HTML/CSS while good concept of JavaScript programming is a must.
React.js Developer Course
Duration: 3 – 4 month
Prerequisite: HTML/CSS JavaScript
Fast Track: Available
Course Fee DetailsFAQs
This course focuses how to build modern component based UI using React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, single-page applications and allows us to create reusable UI components.
✠ React.js Course Syllabus ✠
Web Page Fundamentals
- Introduction to web page markup & styles
- HTML markup elements and its attributes
- Various CSS terminologies
- Image formats for the web
- HTML Forms and Lists
- Introducing bootstrap framework
- Discussing the Role of a Front End Developer
JavaScript Advanced
- Fundamentals of JavaScript Programming
- Data Structure – Array & Object
- Array methods – Map, Reduce and Filter
- De-structuring Array and Object
- Introduction to class structure
- Classes and Object relation
- Instance vs Static for Properties & Methods
- Inheritance and Overriding
- Arrow function in JavaScript
- Discussing ES6 features
React JS Topics
- Introduction to React Environment
- React Development Project Setup
- Concept of Virtual DOM
- Understanding React Components
- Component CSS styling
- Importing page assets – css, images and fonts
- Integration of third party Node module
- Installing Bootstrap NPM
- JSX and Expression
- Attributes and Children
- Rendering Element
- Conditional Rendering
- Iteration of Element
- Component Type – Class vs. Functional
- Parent – Child Component
- Props, State and Default Props
- Component Lifecycle
- List and Keys
- React Fragment and Refs
- React Table
- Events Handling
- React Forms & Data Validation
- Control Elements vs. Un Control Elements
- Lifting State Up
- Navigation with React Router
- React Hook and Context System
- Portals and Error Boundary