Join our practical training approach to learn and build web application using PHP & MySQL. In this course you will learn all the essential concept and fundamentals of PHP/MySQL with object oriented programming for developing professional and dynamic website.
Additionally, this course will also provide great coding exposure and project development experience for the interested students in Guwahati to highly enhance their skill.
PHP Foundation & Advanced Course
Duration: 1 – 2 month
Fast Track: Available
Prerequisites: HTML/CSSCourse Fee DetailsFAQs
In this course we will show you all the advanced concept fully explaining and working with PHP object oriented programming approach to handle a complex task. Thus, this course will also set you in confidence and comfortable in working and customizing with popular open source applications and framework like – WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Codeigniter Laravel etc.
✠ PHP Training Syllabus ✠
PHP Foundation Topic
Understanding the Fundamentals
- Introduction to Client Server architecture (Software Role)
- Fundamentals of PHP, MySQL and Apache
- Understanding the functioning of LAMP stack
- Server installation and configuring PHP, MySQL and Apache development environment
- Discussing various text editor and PHP IDE
- Introducing the working environment of Netbeans
- Introducing phpMyAdmin
- Viewing PHP configuration information
- Our first PHP program –“Hello World!”
Exploring Data Types
- Understanding primitive data type – integer, float, string, boolean, null
- Variables & initialization
- Type casting
- Defining Constants
- Introducing PHP composite data structure – Array & Object
- Concept of static variable
Control Structures and Logical Expressions
- Use of If else statement
- Working with nested and ladder If else
- Understanding the logical operators
- Evaluating with logical expression
- Working with the switch case & ternary operator
Exploring Loops Constructs
- For loop
- While loop
- Do while loop
- Foreach loop
- Illustrating the effect of Continue & Break
Functions in PHP
- Introduction to functions
- Discussing PHP Native functions
- Examples with numbers, strings and dates
- Defining functions, concept of parameter and arguments
- Concept of function signature
- Returning values from a function
- Variables scope – Local Vs. Global
- Function parameter with default value
- Parameters passing:‘by value’ Vs.‘by reference’
Working with Strings
- Quoting String Constants
- Printing Strings
- Differentiating echo vs. print
- Working with some useful String functions
- Working on formatted string with printf & sprintf
- Accessing Individual Characters
- Cleaning Strings
- Encoding and Escaping
- Comparing Strings
- Manipulating and Searching Strings
- Introducing briefly Regular Expressions (Regex)
Working with Arrays
- PHP array types – Indexed Vs. Associative
- Identifying Elements of an Array
- Working with Nested Array (Multidimensional Arrays)
- Looping array and retrieving elements
- Extracting associative array and accessing with key variables
- Traversing and Sorting Arrays
- Working with some useful array function
- Usages of Arrays
Important Elements of PHP
- Understanding the PHP super global
- Working with $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_SESSION $_COOKIE & $_FILES
- Super global Vs global variable
- Understanding the difference between GET & POST request
Dynamic Web Pages & Templating
- Understanding Links, URLs & Query string
- Passing parameter in URL and accessing the values in the server
- URL Encoding for spaces & special characters
- Building a user signup form
- Tracking visitor / form state with hidden fields
- Generating DOB field
- Post processing form data with Filters
- Implementing Form validation technique
- Displaying error on fields
- Retention of user submitted data on validation error
- Handling file upload in the form
- Introduction to session & cookie
- Maintaining user / page states
- Implementation of user Login system
- Understanding HTTP headers and Working with page redirection
- Including and requiring PHP scripts
- Understanding the mechanism of dynamic HTML pages
- Extracting HTML template sections into several PHP functions/methods or scripts
- Advanced working with HTML output in PHP utilizing alternate syntax for conditionals & loops
Miscellaneous PHP
- Usage of the list function
- Constant expressions
- Variadic functions
- Working with Files and Directories
- Configuring PHP for email
- Sending email with mail()
- Concept of HTTP Headers
PHP Advanced Topic
MySQL Fundamentals
- Introduction to RDMS Database
- Introducing MySQL database
- Creating a database in MySQL
- Populating a MySQL database
- Working with phpMyAdmin
- Connecting to MySQL with PHP
- Understanding the CURD operation
- Accessing data in MySQL with PHP
Introducing PHP 5.x Object Oriented Programming
- Introducing the basic concept of OOP
- Defining classes, methods and properties
- Concept of sudo variable – $this
- Access modifiers: public, private and protected
- Instantiating a class (object creation)
- Referencing an instance
- Static Vs. Instance properties & methods
Advanced PHP Object Oriented Programming
- Understanding class Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism & Overriding
- Understanding and working with Interfaces
- Defining & accessing the class constant
- Understanding and working with the constructor as well some important PHP magic methods
- Implementing getters & setters for private properties
- Handling Object printing with the toString method
- Understanding the static modifier & about the scope resolution operator
- Working with static properties & methods
- Referencing the Parent class
- Comparing objects with the instanceof operator
- Cloning objects
- Exception handling with try catch
- Debugging of Exception object & throwing custom exception
- Understanding & working with the mysqli object
- Working with some commonly used properties & methods of mysqli object
- Understanding & Working with Statement & ResultSet Object
- Implementation of custom high level MySQL API using singleton Class
PHP 7+ New Features
- Introducing PHP 7
- The spread operator
- Scalar type / return type declarations
- Typed properties
- Null coalescing & spaceship operator
- Null coalescing assignment operator
- Arrow function
- Anonymous function & variable capture
- Void functions
- Symmetric array destructuring
- List reference assignment
- Advanced Arrays & Data Object
- Constant array in define
- Anonymous class
- Class constant visibility
- Closure & binding
- Multi catch exception handling
- Working with negative string offsets
- Argon2 password hashing
Project – Building a Content Management System
- Introducing & Explaining the CMS concept with Drupal and Joomla
- Blueprinting our first CMS application
- Building the CMS database
- Understanding relational databases
- Establishing work area
- Creating our first page
- Making page assets reusable
- Connecting site to a database
- Building dynamic navigation
- Refactoring the navigation
- Adding links to navigation
- Determining which page is selected
- Displaying HTML based on the selection
N.B: PHP/MySQL(Basic) course doesn’t include MySQL, OOP, Database abstraction layer implementation, Regular Expression filtering, File System Operations, Miscellaneous PHP tasks, Final project and some related advanced topic.
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