Learning C and C++ language is the first step for a student to introduce towards programming concept, its syntax & semantics and coding exposures. This will also serve as a prerequisite foundation for the interested candidates in learning other languages in comfort.
C / C++ Programming Course
Duration: 45 days
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C++ is a general purpose strongly typed compiled language having support for both the procedural and object oriented programming style. It was evolved as a result of direct enhancement of the C language being entirely included into the definition of C++ and thus makes any legal C program is also a valid C++ program.
C++ Course Topics
Introduction to Programming
- Discussing Fundamentals of C/C++
- Programming environment setup
- Configuring – Eclipse, C++ compiler etc
- Discussing standard I/O stream object
- Writing a simple hello world test program
- Identifying the necessary components of the program
Data Types and Variables
- Understanding primitive data types – bool, int, float, double & char
- Function of typed modifiers – signed, unsigned, short, long
- Working with typedef declaration
- Variable declaration & initialization
- Understanding variable casting
- Defining constant – C preprocessor vs. C++ const
- Understanding the storage classes – register, static, extern and mutable
Basic Language Constructs
- Discussing operators – Arithmetic, Relational, Assignment and Logical
- Understanding prefix vs. postfix for increment/decrement operator
- Conditional – if/else, ternary operator and switch case
- Loop constructs – for, while, do while and enhanced for loop
- Effects of continue / break in loop
Working with Strings
- Working with C style null terminated string
- Introducing C++ string class and its usage
- Usage of Escape sequence
- Understanding C preprocessor directives
Working with function
- Understanding function
- Writing and calling custom functions
- Working with function parameters, default value and returning value
- Function argument – pass by value, pointer & reference
- Variable scope – Global vs. Local
- Default values for global variables
- Function signature declaration vs. Function definition
- Concept of Pointer and Reference type
- Working with Pointer & Reference usages
Arrays and C Structure
- Discussing Array declaration
- Initializer list and de-referencing
- Looping array using enhanced for construct
- Discussing C Structure features
- Defining a Structure & Initializing its member variables
- Accessing members using both dot operator as well pointer
- Advanced working with Arrays of Structure elements
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Discussing – class, property, method declaration and object creation
- Understanding the class declaration vs. definition
- Implementation syntax of data member and member function definition outside the class
- Access modifiers – public, private and protected
- Declaration of constructors / destructor
- Understanding the
pointer - Properties initialization with parameterized constructors
- Usage of property initializer list in constructor
- Implementation of getters / setters for private and protected properties
- Understanding and working with static class members
- Static vs. Instance property & method
- Discussing the fundamental principles OOP
- Concept of Encapsulation & Data hiding
- Implementation of Base / Derived classes – Inheritance & Polymorphism
- Access control inheritance
- Class Abstraction with virtual method
- Member function Overriding and Overloading
- Concept of Interface – The raw ideas
- Exception handling – Try / Catch construct
- Throwing and Catching exceptions
- Name space & its implementation
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