This course is an introduction to the object oriented programming, featuring hands-on practical classes on java coding. The advanced java training module includes MySQL fundamentals working with the JDBC API for implementation of database application on the project section.
You will learn all the essential concepts of the java language, constructs and the keywords including various SQL syntax necessary for the foundation in building a good career as Java developer.
Java Basic and Advanced Course
Duration: 1 – 2 month
Fast Track: AvailableCourse Fee DetailsFAQs
Java is a high-level, traditional class based object oriented programming language. It is designed to let programmer’s write Java code once, typically compiled to bytecode (class file) and run anywhere on all supported platforms without the need to recompile.
✠ Java Training Syllabus ✠
Java Foundation Topics
Introduction to Java Programming Fundamentals
- Introduction to computer programming
- Introduction to object oriented programming
- Introducing the Java Language & JVM
- Understanding Memory management and the garbage collection
- Installation and configuration of JDK & Eclipse
- Introducing the working environment of Eclipse
- Writing our first ‘hello world’ application
- Printing for console output with print & println
- Compiling and running from CLI
- Understanding the execution entry point in a Java program
- Passing argument to the application
- Concept of packages & Organizing classes
Data Types and Variable Scopes
- Primitive data type – byte, short, integer, long, float, double, character and boolean
- Primitive data Vs. Complex data
- Declaring variables and assigning values
- Variable scope – Local Vs. Block
- Concept of operator overloading
- Understanding Java standard constant
- Defining our custom constant
- Understanding about the method signature
Basic Java Construct
- Operators in Java
- Working with conditional statement – if, if else, switch and ternary operator
- Working with different loop constructs
- Effect of postfix/prefix on increment, decrement operator
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Defining a class
- Identifying various components of a class
- Understanding the purpose of fields & methods
- Function of the constructor
- Constant as field, local variable & method parameter
- Java access and non-access modifiers
- Differentiate access level modifiers for class, fields & method
- Handling Object printing
- Purpose of the
keyword within a class - Creating and Invoking a Method
- Passing arguments and returning values
- Static vs. Instance fields, methods
- Working with our custom objects, fields, methods and variables
- Checking object with instanceof operator
- Checking and comparing two different object with isInstance method
- Understanding & Illustration of fundamental of OOP principles
- Concept of Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism & Abstraction
- Working with examples for Overloading and Overriding
- Restrict Class inheritance & Method overriding with final
- UML Diagrammatic representation of a Class
- Understanding the IS-A and HAS-A relationship
Working with the Wrapper Classes
- Understand the wrapper classes of Java primitive types
- Working with the helper methods of these wrapper classes
- Understanding the concept of boxing & un-boxing
- Working with primitive data conversion effectively
Working with Strings
- Understanding how string works in java
- Working with the String class & some of its useful helper methods
- Building strings with the StringBuilder class
- StringBuilder Vs StringBuffer class
- Working with various useful string parsing methods
Arrays in Java
- Understanding Java Array structure and its declaration syntax
- Array inline initialization with the initializer list syntax
- Visualization in depth through array structure printing
- Working with integer, string and character arrays
- Looping with conventional as well advanced for-each construct
Java Exception Handling
- Understanding errors in program & its handling importance
- Compile-time vs. run-time errors
- Handling exceptions with try/catch construct
- Working with some common exceptions
- ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException & NullPointerException
Working with user input and Enum
- Reading user inputs with the Scanner class
- Working with some useful built in methods of the Scanner object
- Introducing Java enum type and its basic usage
- Concept of pass by value Vs. pass by reference
Java Advanced Topics
Import and Annotation
- Staitc import & its advantages
- Application Deployment using JAR
- Introducing the Java Anotations
- Understanding different types of Anotation – marker, single & multi value
Advanced Object Oriented Programming
- Understanding & working with Interfaces
- Working with Advanced Class Structures
- Working with static & instance Field Initializer
- Concept of Java Nested class structure
- Working with Inner, local and anonymous class
- Working with Varargs (Variable Argument) & its advantage over overloading
- Advanced working with Enum type for defining & retrieving associated value of constant
Java Generic Programming
- Introduction to Java Generic programming and its advantage
- Implementation of Generic class & method
- Understanding Generic Wildcards – unknown, extends bound & super bound
- Wildcard bound Vs. Type parameter bound
Java Collections Framework and usages
- Introducing the Java Collections Framework
- Working with ArrayList, Vector, Set, HashMap as well some of its useful built in methods
- Enumeration vs Iterator over Collection elements
- Collection iteration with Iterator & ListIterator
- Understanding the advantages of forward/backward traverse using ListIterator
- Collection sort using natural asc/desc order
- Implementation of comparator for sorting collection of custom object
Advanced Exception Handling
- Exception handling by the callee
- Throwing exceptions in the method signature
- Multiple Exceptions in a single catch block
- Exception handling with custom exception class
Working with the I/O streams
- Understanding the I/O Streams
- Using try with resources construct
- Working with File Read/Write operation
- Understanding Java Serialization Interface & Object persistence mechanism
Multi Threading and Synchronization
- Understanding the Multi-threading concept of Java
- Implementing threads with the Thread class as well Runnable Interface
- Understanding the importance of thread synchronization for shared resources
- Implementing synchronization for custom shared resources
- Synchronization keywords & block for implementing thread safe methods
Introduction to Java Bean
- Introduction to JavaBean & its specifications
- Implementation of getter / setter for private field
- Understanding Bean usages in transferring complex data structure among program
Fundamentals of MySQL and JDBC functionalities
- Introduction to database
- SQL Fundamentals & MySQL standard
- Installation & Preparing MySQL Server
- Executing various SQL exercising CRUD operation using mysql prompt
- Understanding JDBC implementation & its Driver Types
- Loading MySQL driver (connector-j)
- Understanding JDBC Connection object
- JDBC Statement vs. PreparedStatement object
- Advantages of PreparedStatement
- Binding values to PreparedStatement
- Understanding the JDBC ResultSet object and its traversable mechanism
- Implementation of Read only / Update able ResultSet
- Handling Database Resources
- Managing Database Operations (Database Read/Write & additional operation)
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